Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 3...

I weighed this morning... 184!!!!

For breakfast I had:
1 1/2 cups of Frosted Mini Wheats
1 oz of pineapple
8 oz of 2% milk

About to go power walk after I finish watching Royal Pains :)
I'm so proud of myself for only having Dr. Pepper as my sugar yesterday:]

For some reason this part of my blog got deleted so I have to retype it.

Just power walked for 1 hour.

7380 Steps

2620 Steps to go!!!
26% let for the day!!:)
32 oz of water.

Had some yummy homemade gumbo for supper and 8 oz of milk.

I'm going to a concert later so I'm sure by the end of the day I will have reached 10,000!!:)

Split a Dairy Queen small dipped cone with my bf:)
